DGFF WebWorkshop – Tests
via ZoomProf. Dr. Claudia Harsch: DGFF WebWorkshop: Die duale Funktion von Sprachtests in der Fremdsprachenforschung – Forschungsinstrument und Untersuchungsgegenstand. DGFF Kolleg.
Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch: DGFF WebWorkshop: Die duale Funktion von Sprachtests in der Fremdsprachenforschung – Forschungsinstrument und Untersuchungsgegenstand. DGFF Kolleg.
Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch with Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig: Linguistic preparedness in EMI contexts, paper in the Symposium “Language assessment in EMI: Linking assessment to learning in new domains”.
The EALTA Special Interest Groups for the Assessment of Writing and Assessment for Academic Purposes will hold a joint event on Thursday 2 June 2022, 14.00–17.00, prior to the EALTA … Continue reading Joint Event, prior to EALTA conference
Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch: Plenarvortrag: Neue Impulse durch den Begleitband zum GERS (CEFR Companion Volume)
Bremen Symposium 2023 Rethinking the Role of Language Centres: Flexibilty, Relevance & Vision The 8th Bremen Symposium on Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages at Universities is hosted and organised by … Continue reading 8th Bremen Symposium 2023
Formative Language Assessment in the Time of COVID 19: Lessons Learned Moderators: Heike Neumann, Concordia University & Claudia Harsch, University of Bremen
Language Assessment for a Global, Digital, and More Equitable Era The historic events of the past three years have brought immense change to the world in many ways, including, of … Continue reading 44th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC)
Conference Theme 2023: Sustainable Language Assessment: Improving Educational Opportunities at the Individual, Local, and Global level In 2015, the United Nations set ambitious goals as part of Transforming our world: … Continue reading 19th EALTA Conference
Referentin ist Prof. Dr. Silvia Melo-Pfeifer, Professorin für Didaktik der romanischen Sprachen an der Universität Hamburg. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in der Mehrsprachigkeit und Interkomprehension, im interkulturellen Lernen, in mehrsprachiger Interaktion … Continue reading Theorie und Workshop: “Die Verwendung von Linguistic Landscapes in der Sprachausbildung und im Sprachenunterricht”
Theme: “The Use of Generative AI – Promises and Perils for Assessing Writing and Assessing for Academic Purposes” We’re pleased to announce that registration is now open for the upcoming … Continue reading EALTA Joint Special Interest Group Meeting for the Assessment of Writing and Academic Purposes