Project 8

The MASK Project 2 –  Modeling of integrated academic-language compentences (2023 – ongoing)

Funded by DFG

Cooperation of University of Bremen and  DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation  in Frankfurt am Main

The aim of the MASK project is the empirical foundation of the competence construct that underlies the successful completion of integrated academic-language tasks in a context of English as second language. The current project is a continuation of the first project phase that has been running since 01/2020. The core element is the development and testing of valid criteria for the assessment of integrated writing products, which can be used to comprehensively and differentially record the skills required for successful task completion.

The overall goal of the project is to empirically establish the competence construct underlying the successful completion of integrated academic-linguistic tasks in an English as a second language context. The core element for achieving this goal is the development and testing of valid criteria for assessing integrated writing products. Building on the work done in the first phase of the project, the continuation of the project will pursue four objectives to consolidate and extend the knowledge gained so far about the construct of academic-language competence:

  1. an in-depth analysis of the processes involved in the processing of integrated tasks
  2. an in-depth investigation of the quality of human judgments made by raters with and without expertise
  3. an in-depth investigation of the dimensionality of human judgments and computer-based text scoring
  4. to develop models for predicting human judgments from computer-based analyses

Project Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch and Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig

Valeriia Koval and Ximena Delgado Osorio are working on their PhDs which are situated within this project.